Welcome To Our Page

Created by Victor B Clark
Well, here it is. The new design for our homepage. I have been working on this for quite some time now, and I think I now have it almost the way I want it. Anyway, please take the time to look through these pages and links and enjoy shaaring our life with us.

Photo Album: This will take you to our photo album page where we have placed all of our pictures. Here you can view our pictures in an easy to view format, complete with description. Please stop in and see what we have been up to.

A Little Bit About Us: This will take you to our biography page. Here you can find out more about us, like who we are, and what we believe.

Journal: We have logged the events of our life here on this page. We don't do alot of letter writing, so this is where you will find most of our postings. Check back from time to time as we will try to update this page at least bi-weekly.

Coley Family Contacts: In an attempt to stay in touch with one another I am placing information on whomever wishes to have their information posted for others to access and get in touch with you.

Inspiration: For inspirational quotes, stories, and screensavers, click here. When you feel down and blue, let these files pick you up.

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