A little Bit About Us

A Little Bit About Us


And greetings from Victor, Barbara, Janay, Kimberly and Marcus, the Clark Family. We are living in the small but beautiful college town of Norman, Oklahoma, home of the Oklahoma Sooners. We previously lived in Mountain View, California which is a small community just North of San Jose, California and about 35 miles south of San Francisco. We now will be settling and retiring from the military as Okies in the great state of Oklahoma.

Victor is approaching retirement and will be having his retirement ceremony on Friday, October 20th, 2006, on Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma City. He will be retiring after 24 years of military service. He is currently 41 years old, but has the mind and attitude of a younger man. He likes to golf, exercise, eat nutritious foods, and play the piano and drums. Will sing on occasions, but not his forte.

Barbara is a Dental Assistant at a very successful Dental Office in Norman, just off of the University of Oklahoma campus. She is originally from Poland, and has lived in the US since 1997. She lived in Germany when she met Victor, and married after a year of dating. We both speak German, however, since we don't use it, have gotten quite rusty with the "Deutsch" (German). (photo)

As Victor transitions from military service to civilian life, he will be working as an independent insurance agent for Farmers Insurance Company and he will be opening his own branch here in Norman within the next year.

We have three children, Janay Nakia who is 19 years old, Kimberly Patryce who is 11 years old, and Marcus Allen who is 9 years old.

We are now embarking upon our newest adventure...life as civilians!! we decided that we would settle down and plant our roots (for the time being) here in Oklahoma. At first we were really excited about the possibility of relocating for retirement, however, we have grown very excited about the opportunities that face us here. We own our home here in Norman, a small community just south of Oklahoma City. We feel that this community offers the best opportunity for us as we transition as well as for our kids growing up.

We use this sight as a photo album to all of our old friends and new ones yet to meet, to keep them up to date with photos, and events involving our family.


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